Making Christmas Memories
Our Christmas Decorations are the perfect gift to start a new family tradition and build memories that will last a lifetime. Gift exchanges will never be so special and heartfelt.
LILO Christmas* Collections will turn the expected gift, into a pleasant surprise. We have an extensive collection to create your own Christmas theme. All pieces have original and unique features that make us stand out from others hand-made decorations.
Do you remember the handmade items your grandma used to make? LILO Christmas* echo those quaint little handmade differences. Our pieces are produced at the shop and the creation process is genuine and full of love and care.
Whether you have already started your collection of LILO Christmas* ornaments or have yet to do so, there is no better time to check our website than now. You will find artistically styled and beautifully crafted designs. From beautiful decorative pillows, tree ornaments, to cute, classic characters, such as Yeti, Snowman, Ginger, Gnomes, Reindeers and Moose and of course elves and dwarfs will be part of your Christmas days.

Launching our Lilo Christmas NEW Classic Collection
What can be a bigger holiday tradition than creating your own collection! From elves, yeti, snowman and much more… From small art-craft to BIG!! We have it all at Lilo Christmas. Checkout our unique, hand-crafted Christmas Classics!

Get enchanted with our NEW Seasonal Products
Don't stop at the Christmas tree - extend your Christmas decorations through the whole house. Our unique, hand-crafted Christmas decorations will have your space feel brighter!. You will not believe what we have in our shop!

Lilo Christmas Memories Maker Build a New Tradition
Our Christmas Decorations are the perfect gift to start a new family tradition and build memories that will last a lifetime. Gift exchanges will never be so special and heartfelt. We love making your Christmas Brighter!